Wednesday, February 12, 2025
6 p.m.
Erich Bremer, administrator of the Organic, Sustainable, and Regenerative Agriculture program at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (OSRA – NJDA)
Aspects of organic certification can seem complex, especially when it comes to determining which materials and inputs you can use as a part of your farm management plan. It is not always just understanding which materials are allowable but also when and how they can be used. Even with helpful resources such as the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and your certification specialist, it is nerve-wracking to make these decisions when the stakes are high. During this virtual workshop, Erich Bremer will discuss the fundamentals of agricultural input considerations, including the relevant standards and best practices when outfitting your materials toolkit. Erich has more than 20 years of experience serving as the administrator for organic certifying agencies, and is currently the administrator of the emerging Organic, Sustainable, and Regenerative Agriculture program at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (OSRA-NJDA). There will be plenty of time for Q & A, so bring your questions! NOTE: REGISTRANTS WILL RECEIVE THE ZOOM LINK ON 2/12/25 VIA EMAIL. Scan the QR code in the flyer or copy this link to register:
Moira Keihm, 848-932-3576