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Rutgers NJAES Calendar: All Statewide Events

Currently Showing

March 2025
Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sat., March 1

15th Annual Community Garden Conference

Sun., March 2

Mon., March 3

Advanced Audit Training, ONLINE ONLY

Irrigation Systems: Design and Installation (Day 1 of 4)

Tue., March 4

Irrigation Systems: Design and Installation (Day 2 of 4)

Wed., March 5

Management Skills for Supervisors (Day 1 of 2)

Irrigation Systems: Design and Installation (Day 3 of 4)

MyPlate, My Way: Celebrating National Nutrition Month

Thu., March 6

Management Skills for Supervisors (Day 2 of 2)

Irrigation Systems: Design and Installation (Day 4 of 4)

Fri., March 7

Sat., March 8

Sun., March 9

Mon., March 10

FSMA Produce Safety Rule Training (in person)

Tue., March 11

Landscape Lighting: Design and LED Technology (Day 1 of 2)

Wed., March 12

Landscape Lighting: Design and LED Technology (Day 2 of 2)

Beyond the Nutrition Facts: Exploring Food Labels

Thu., March 13

Fri., March 14

Sat., March 15

Sun., March 16

Mon., March 17

Hydric Soils (Day 1 of 3)

Irrigation Systems: Repair and Maintenance

Tue., March 18

Wed., March 19

Hydric Soils (Day 2 of 3)

Let's Talk About Stress: A 3-Part Series on Understanding and Managing...

Thu., March 20

Restoration Ecology (Day 1 of 2)

Introduction to Pruning Techniques

Fri., March 21

Restoration Ecology (Day 2 of 2)

Hydric Soils (Day 3 of 3)

Sat., March 22

Sun., March 23

Mon., March 24

Tue., March 25

Diseases and Pests of Trees

Wed., March 26

From the Ground Up: Hands-on Produce Safety Workshop

Nourishing Your Body for Active Aging

Thu., March 27

NJ Compost Operator Certification Course (Day 1 of 2)

Fri., March 28

Pest Management of Landscape Turf

NJ Compost Operator Certification Course (Day 2 of 2)

Sat., March 29

Sun., March 30

Mon., March 31


For more Rutgers events, see the Rutgers–New Brunswick Calendar.

To learn how you can add an event to this calendar, contact the webmaster.